A mix of atheism, theism, skepticism, religion, politics, and the GBLT Agenda.
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
The Homosexual Recruitment Agency
Ok not sure where to post this so im putting it here. I am absolutely disgusted by the attitude of godhatesamerica towards Heath Ledgers death. Obviously I don't know him personally but he always seemed like a genuinely nice actor, and they keep saying they're glad he is dead and he is in hell because he ACTED the part of a gay cowboy in Brokeback mountain. Pure idiocy. Its like those absolute halfwits only read 5 words out the Bible and they happened to mention gay people. Why do they ignore the teachings of Jesus of peace and loving even your enemies? (though in my opinion calling Heath an enemy is completely insane in the first place). Please write a scathing article about these idiots, it should cheer me up nicely. I'm sick to death of preachy Christians who can't even follow their own religion even closely to the way it is written. Thanks :)
Homosexual recruitment is a belief of some people, who are generally considered homophobic, that there is a conspiracy to 'recruit' and 'convert' young people, usually men, to the homosexual agenda. This argument is often used by the religious right, especically in the United States by the Christian right. The range of attitudes and behaviours that are judged to be part of the homosexual recruitment campaign include everything from writing a book like Heather Has Two Mommies to a transperson wearing drag and using the 'wrong' bathroom.
This account has been revived FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES ONLY. So I can have all Blogger blog posts in one spot. rather than saving a million links on my favourites. Don't expect updates, and most of the stuff on here is out of date and does not reflect my current views (necessarily) on politics et al.
Ok not sure where to post this so im putting it here. I am absolutely disgusted by the attitude of godhatesamerica towards Heath Ledgers death. Obviously I don't know him personally but he always seemed like a genuinely nice actor, and they keep saying they're glad he is dead and he is in hell because he ACTED the part of a gay cowboy in Brokeback mountain. Pure idiocy. Its like those absolute halfwits only read 5 words out the Bible and they happened to mention gay people. Why do they ignore the teachings of Jesus of peace and loving even your enemies? (though in my opinion calling Heath an enemy is completely insane in the first place). Please write a scathing article about these idiots, it should cheer me up nicely. I'm sick to death of preachy Christians who can't even follow their own religion even closely to the way it is written. Thanks :)
I appreciate the concern which is been rose. The things need to be sorted out because it’s not about the individual but it can be with everyone.
Recruitment Agency
Homosexual recruitment is a belief of some people, who are generally considered homophobic, that there is a conspiracy to 'recruit' and 'convert' young people, usually men, to the homosexual agenda. This argument is often used by the religious right, especically in the United States by the Christian right. The range of attitudes and behaviours that are judged to be part of the homosexual recruitment campaign include everything from writing a book like Heather Has Two Mommies to a transperson wearing drag and using the 'wrong' bathroom.
Recruitment Agency
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